Caius has two main sites, the Old Courts, the historic site of the college, which sits in the very centre of town (on Trinity Street), and Harvey Court, located across the river on West Road. Each site has its own Porters’ Lodge,  which are generally the first places to go to get further directions (the Caius Porters are eminently helpful and approachable so do ask them for help if you need it!). The Graduate Accommodation is located on Grange Road, Harvey Road, St. Paul’s Road, Gresham Road, and Mortimer Road.

Map of the University of Cambridge

Pick up your welcome pack at the Harvey Court Porters' Lodge

A street map showing Old Courts (at centre), Harvey Court (to the south-west), and many of the streets where Caius graduate accommodation is located (particularly to the south-east)

A map of the Old Courts, in the town centre. The MCR is in the back right, in D Staircase, on Gonville Court.

A map of the Old Courts, in the town centre. The MCR is in the back right, in D Staircase, on Gonville Court.